Filler up

Better go get gas people, they said Gustav could make prices jump 20 cents or more. I just went and filled up my car and it was $3.53 here today. Bill is on his way to do the same. Do you realize just 8 short years ago gas was only $1.59 a gallon? I wish I had thought back then to buy stock in a oil company lol. At any rate, I hope the storm doesn’t do the damage Katrina did and no one gets hurt.

Here’s something else you need to know. There is a vicious virus going around that was verified and it is for real.

The newest virus circulating is the ‘UPS Delivery Failure’. You will
receive an email from UPS Packet Service along with a packet number. 

It will say that they were un-able to deliver a package sent to you on such

and such a date. It then asks you to print out the invoice copy attached.


This virus has caused Millions of dollars in damage in the past few days.

Nothing much going on here today and didn’t do anything much yesterday either. So there isn’t much to talk about. Therefore I shall come and see what plans all of you have. Oh and I now know who I shall vote for come November 2nd. I’m voting for Miss Catt


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Published in: on September 1, 2008 at 3:31 pm  Comments (9)  

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9 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Thanks for the heads up on the virus!  I’m voting for Miss Catt too.  Have a great holiday.  I’m just sittin’ here waiting on whatever Gustav decides to give us.

  2. The virus is new to me.  Thank you for the heads up.
    I too am voting for Miss Catt as she is the most qualified candidate.

  3. Thanks for the heads up on the virus!Ms Catt I found was the best Democatt.Have a dang good day!

  4. Isn’t that terrible to be robbed like this cause gas is a commodity…its always the same old thing, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer,  you can’t win and things never change…Have a great day dear. xxhug, Pauline

  5. She said your votes are much appreciated.  Contributions to her campaign war chest will be solicited later on.  A girl has to live, you know.  🙂

  6. WOW!  She has 4 votes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Way to go Miss CATT!  (who called her a Democatt?  🙂  )

  7. Gas is $3.79 up here and it hasn’t gone up yet.  Thanks for the virus warning.  Seems like there’s always something going around. 
    Sounds like Miss Catt is going to be a winner in November!

  8. Gas was $3.29 here the other day. I was a passenger and the driver had a full tank already, we talked about driving around, using up the tank full, just to go get some gas for that price. lol… Stupid? Yea, we get like that sometimes.

  9. Alright people…no gripes…I’m paying $4.25 for regualar unleaded the other day…CRAZY!

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