Thank You all so much for remembering my birthday!


You are all so sweet and wonderful. and I thank you from the bottom of my heart!!! I know I should have posted earlier and I intended too but Bill took me out for breakfast then took me to the At&T store and bought me a new touch screen cell phone. Now I have to figure out how it works lol. You know how it is when you get something new. It looks intimidating at first but the more you get into it you find it’s not so hard after all. So later on I will sit and play with my new toy. It was nice too when we got home, I had messages on my answering machine from my youngest son and my sister Jodi wishing me a happy birthday. Tomorrow we are all getting together mainly for Williams 18th birthday but he said I could share with him smile_regular. Any reason to spend time with the family is okay with me.

I also have a new mattress and box spring ordered. My daughter works for Simmons so I can get one at factory prices. I can’t believe how cheap I am getting it through her, we should have done this years ago. Maybe now I won’t wake up with a back ache when I get it. Just like this morning, I woke up aching all over and Bill gave me a birthday kiss and asked me if I felt older. Well…I did at that moment lol. I felt 83 instead of 63. So I’m hoping the new mattress will do the trick. I ordered a Beauty Rest and that’s suppose to be the best other then the Temperpedic that’s out now. Simmons makes one something like that too I guess and I do wonder if they are what they are cracked out to be but I can’t afford one of those. She did say if that’s what they have in over stock that I might just get one but I have my doubts about that. Why would they let me have it so cheap when they sell for thousands of dollars in the stores. I’ll be happy with the regular old pillow top as long as it’s comfy.

Well I guess I will go and play with my new toy. Thank you all again so much for all your birthday wishes. I love you all from my very soul.

Love & Hugs

Published in: on February 12, 2010 at 8:32 pm  Comments (12)  

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12 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Quite the morning you had. Oh a new toy…woohoo! Have a very special day today.

  2. Your birthday sounds great. I am glad you are enjoying yourself. The telephone sounds like fun.

  3. Sounds like you are having a wonderful day…..Happy Birthday Sherry!!

  4. Happy Birthday Sherry and Have a wonderful time with your family and your friends. Your special day that you can eat as much you likes and enjoy Sherry.

  5. Lovely birthday wishes, for a lovely lady. So glad you had a wonderful day.I’m sure you will feel great when you get your new mattress.Take care, Xx

  6. Nice birthday gifts Sherry. You’ll have the new phone figured out in no time. ANd a new mattress? Oh yeah! We were at Menards last week and they even sell mattresses/box springs. I saw one of the display models and it looked so inviting. I really wanted to lay down and try it out! I think it’s time we consider a new one too. Glad you had a good day.

  7. Sherry Happy Belated Birthday, sorry I missed it. Sounds like you had a good day. A new mattress thats great, anything to help us sleep better huh? Take care and again Happy Birthday. Hugs, patsy


  9. is so neat to have a new mattress. Mine is like a buckboard. I may have to do the same before long.Happy Valentine’s Day, gf ♥

  10. glad to hear you had a wonderful birthday… and have a new toy… so, by now are you sleeping better and now hurting when you wake up? hugs, lottemae

  11. Happy belated birthday! I just haven’t been on here lately so I missed it but sounds like you managed without me. I know your family get together was fun. (and maybe a few more presents???lol)

  12. I know. I know. I am sorry I forgot the most important day of the year… your Birthday! Can you reschedule it for sometime next week? Seriously woman, how do you expect me to remember your birthday, when you never look any older? Enjoy your new mattress and box spring. Have fun breaking it in Sherry! :o)

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